12 signs’ index of cherish their wife-Blue’s ranking

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12 signs’ index of cherish their wife   12星座男疼老婆指數  

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Aries cherish wife index 50                白羊座:疼老婆指數 50

Taurus cherish wife index 95             金牛座:疼老婆指數 95

Gemini cherish wife index 20            雙子座:疼老婆指數 20

Cancer cherish wife index 85             巨蟹座:疼老婆指數 85

Leo cherish wife index 90                   獅子座:疼老婆指數 90

Virgo cherish wife index 70                處女座:疼老婆指數 70

Libra cherish wife index 80                天秤座:疼老婆指數 80

Scorpio cherish wife index 75            天蠍座:疼老婆指數 75

Sagittarius cherish wife index 60       射手座:疼老婆指數 60

Capricorn cherish wife index 40        摩羯座:疼老婆指數 40

Aquarius cherish wife index 30         水瓶座:疼老婆指數 30

Pisces cherish wife index 45               雙魚座:疼老婆指數 45

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