12 signs’ index of popular 12星座人見人愛指數
Aries popular index 85 白羊座:85分
Taurus popular index 70 金牛座:70分
Gemini popular index 95 雙子座:95分
Cancer popular index 65 巨蟹座:65分
Leo popular index 80 獅子座:80分
Virgo popular index 70 處女座:70分
Libra popular index 95 天秤座:95分
Scorpio popular index 65 天蠍座:65分
Sagittarius popular index 90 射手座:90分
Capricorn popular index 60 摩羯座:60分
Aquarius popular index 80 水瓶座:80分
Pisces popular index75 雙魚座:75分
Those who get high score are out- going.
They are easily blending in with others, so they are popular.
Those get low score do not mean they are annoying.
They need more time to show themselves.
Only their good friends can see their side of funny.
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