Which sign will you want to make friend with most after the first contact??—- blues’s ranking
NO.1: Libra 第一名:天秤座
NO.2: Sagittarius 第二名:射手座
NO.3: Aries 第三名:白羊座
NO.4: Cancer 第四名:巨蟹座
NO.5: Gemini 第五名:雙子座
NO.6: Aquarius 第六名:水瓶座
NO.7: Pisces 第七名:雙魚座
NO.8: Leo 第八名:獅子座
NO.9: Scorpio 第九名:天蠍座
NO.10: Taurus 第十名:金牛座
NO.11 Virgo 第十一名:處女座
NO.12 Capricorn .第十二名:摩羯座
First place: Libra
Libra always give us a kind, friendly impression. They also have strong confidence on analyzing things. That’s why they’re often considered as the symbol of congeniality.
Last place: Capricorn
Capricorns use to stay alone; they usually lock themselves to the strangers. However, you’ll definitely change your mind after you understand them.
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